Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
What can I do about your Tantrum
1. Pay attention to his cues and anticipate his desires. By doing this: Giving your young child some control over his life; Be aware of the signs that your young child is heading down towards a melt down, such as whining, crying, or complaining.These behaviors are the red flags you will need to learn to recognize.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
He's upside down; Xia Er Duo
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
4 Steps to Teaching Kids Responsibility
4 Steps to Teaching Kids Responsibility
Psychologist Charles Fay, Ph.D., of the Love and Logic Institute, suggests four steps for parents who want their children to learn self-discipline and a sense of responsibility:
1. Give children lots of freedom to exercisechoices over issues with small consequences.
2. Secretly hope your child blows it.
3. When he or she blows it, provide a dose of sympathy.
4. Let your child make the same mistake again.
The mistake some parents make, Fay says, is intervening rather than letting natural consequences take their course. Children learn from their mistakes.
- Sandra Whitehead
How do you do this?
Start by setting and maintaining consistent limits. Young children need parents to set boundaries, says Genett. "Children need to know that parents will do what it takes to keep them safe. These limits help them develop a healthy personality. As they grow up, they integrate these limits into their own self-discipline.
"If parents don't set limits, kids become unruly, and take physical and psychological risks," she says. "These children are unhappy and often have psychological problems. They know something is wrong, but they don't know what to do about it."
As children get older, involve them in developing their own rules and consequences, Brooks advises. This also allows parents to teach kids that rules are not arbitrary; there are reasons for them.
Pay attention to how you parent. Parenting styles make a difference in teaching self-discipline, says Fay. He describes three typical parenting approaches, but notes that only one of them does the job:
- Drill Sergeant Parents - Constantly tell kids what decisions to make and what their values should be. They bark out orders and expect their kids to follow them. Their children grow up needing someone to tell them what to do, says Fay.
- Helicopter Parents - Hover over their children, and when the kids make a bad decision, they swoop in and solve the problem. Their kids grow up believing they need someone to rescue them.
- Consultant Parents - Boss and rescue as little as possible. They share their thoughts, but they don't tell kids what to do. They don't take on a child's problem as their own. Their strategy is to give their kids the opportunity to make choices when the consequences are small and then let the children deal with the consequences of their decisions. Ultimately, this helps a child develop self-discipline.
my heartbeat is magic
I run faster than her
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Making the technical Sale by Rick Greenwald and James Milbery - Handling objections
Three types of objections from most difficult to address to easy to address: philosophical objections; feature objections; and benefit objections
Three approaches for handling objections: rebutting and education. Rebutting an objection closes off communication with the prospect. Working down the grid to benefit objections so that an education approach is amenable. 1) address the objection immediately; 2) repositioning; You can do repositioning an objection to an education approach can handle. 3) park the objection and address later or follow up to establish rapport and credibility. Agree with customer in some sense, remain your curiosity and poke around to gain information. Do not be too defensive. Remember, by offering objections, your prospect is giving you valuable insights into his or her evaluation criteria. Use these objections to understand your prospects' real needs and wants.
Some objections are major while some are minor. Do not let the minor objections interfere your presentation flow.
When an objection comes up, firstly, try quickly to understand what type of objection you are dealing with so that you can ascertain the best technique to handle it; secondly, determine how to address it. It can help if you make a habit of repeating an object when you hear it.
Friday, July 15, 2011
cute, silly, coffee
2. 布莱森和妈咪做BART去berkeley参加berkeley free clinic dental lottery. 在回到BART站的时候, 布莱森内急难忍, 妈妈在停车场打开车门站在后边做掩护. 妈咪催布莱森快免得给人看到了. 布莱森说: 妈咪, 不用, 他们会以为这是咖啡!
3. 布莱森和他的好朋友angelina在家里玩, 妈咪在留意他们讲话, 女孩子就是发育得早一些, 说: you can be the daddy and I can be the mommy. ... but no... I can not marry you because....才五岁的小孩子就已经有这些意识了. 布莱森估计听不大懂没有接话. 继续玩其他的, 过来一阵子, 他说: oh... am I silly? Angelina: yes... 布莱森然后就自嘲的说: oh... silly brycen...而且还很高兴的样子!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
布莱森挺惨的- 爷爷的话
喝牛奶产牛奶, 大乖乖
2)某一天起来,妈咪叫布莱森,还是老习惯叫布莱森小乖乖。布莱森说:妈咪,我已经长大了,我比弟弟大。我是叫大乖乖, 弟弟才叫小乖乖!
3)妈咪给布莱森讲小马过河的故事, 大象说河浅,松鼠说河深,为什么同一条河的深浅有不同的说法?布莱森想一想,说:因为大象的腿长,松鼠的腿短呀!(好家伙!分析能力就这么强了!)
Friday, May 6, 2011
positive parenting
Monday, April 25, 2011
kiss to marry
KCB at Childtime Martinez
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
student of the month - November 2010
Friday, March 11, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
The wonder of boys - Michael Gurian
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I love the girl
Parenting: immediately action plan
After talking to different Moms, the most critical skills to help kids develop to help them and (parent) successful are as follows:
1. 1. Help kid focus and self discipline in learning.
2. 2. Do not spoil kid. Establish authority and follow rules thoroughly.
3. 3. Good habit starts from cleaning up, eating on his own fast, arrive school in time and actually to be ahead of everyone.
4. 4. Help kid prioritize his tasks. Take priority to finish homework and only after that help kid enjoy fun and other extra curriculum.
5. 5. Reading, writing, language and math skills are the most critical skills to help kid build confidence and stay easy in school, which will further foster their head start in other field.
The above are all what I need to focus. Immediately action plan for me and Feilong to improve: (Don’t let the second child be an excuse. If I can not do this well at this time, after the second child is born, I would not have enough effort/energy to help Brycen anymore and it will have bad influence after he goes to 1st grade and on the second child.)
1. 1. 20 minutes meal rule
2. 2. Brycen to brush teeth, wipe his face on his own, only with limited supervision.
3. 3. Help Brycen recognize/write Alphabet and his name better. Strengthen his math skills
4. 4. Stay close to school curriculum and borrow related books to read
5. 5. Keep reading books/stories to him before bed.
6. 6. Teach him sight word (100 words) that he will learn in K at home. Practice reading and counting.
7. 7. Develop a proper daily/weekend schedule to help him learn and have fun.
8. 8. Be more patient. No yelling and threatening. Authority is not established in this way. Be straight forward with action terms and be concise about what to expect him to do. Keep repeating the same order. Do not need much reasoning about why shall he need to do this. Simply let him know what to do!
9. 9. Help him develop good habits: put aside toys/clearning up after playing or before change to next theme. Arrive school before 9:30AM so that he can fully take advantage of the circle time at 9:30AM.
10. 10. Learn some children psychology and educational basics. To be aware of and pay attention in daily parenting.
Parenting: books about boys
Books for boys:
1. 1. Bringing up boys-practical advice and encouragement for those shaping the next generation of men, Dr.James Dobson [Read in Jan, 2011]
2. 2. Raising cain- protecting the emotional life of boys, Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson [to cont. after chapter 2 later, lower priority]
3. 3. The wonder of boys – what parents, mentors and educators can do to shape boys into exceptional men, Michael Gurian [1 top priority]
4. 4. Siblings without rivalry – How to help your children live together so you can live too, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish [4th priority]
5. 5. How to talk so kids will listen and Listen so kids will talk [ 3 priority]
6. 6. Children psychology, children education [to look for good books, 2nd priority]
Some notes learned from “bringing up boys”
1. Boys need to connect to men- his father, rather then his mother. Mother essentially provide all boys need while boys need father to mode him. Mother need to be brave to break such tendency and habits.
2. The school is dorminated by women. Learning environment is tailored to girls. Boys is about 6 months later in development than girls. Boys often feel frustrated in school. It’s difficult for boy to keep focus and keep quiet in school. Keeping their hands busy while help them develop self-discipline is critical.
3. Reading, language and math is critical for children to pick up in school and build up their confidence and speed up their extra curriculum.
4. During teenage, boys are much likely than girls to have drugs, bad habits built up. Understand their needs and communicate effective with them is the key.
5. What boys remember after they grow up is not a zoo trip, a vacation etc., rather that the tradition that a family celebrate year after year or simple activities that he shares with his parents like rustle with his father after his father came back from work. Develop family tradition will help to bond the family together. Share our lives with pleasant daily routins and repititions rather than changes.
6. Boys all want to be masculine. Help them develop manship to avoid homosexuality problem in the future.
7. About competiton: Winning at this age is nothing, teaching your boy to deal properly with his anger, disappointment, and frustration is everything. This doesn’t mean that you should belittle or ignore his feelings in difficult moments.The issue is not just that he lost but that he embarrassed himself at having failed. It goes straight into his heart. Let your son talk about the experience and help him understand that there will be wins and looses for the rest of life.
8. Start a day within the first 5 minutes to have harmony connection with the family.
9. If you nag and criticize your child incessantly, he’ll begin to develop bad attitudes toward work. Tranform it into a game, which makes life easier for everyone.
1. Boys are much less likely to use emotional language and literacy like love , hate, frustrated, don’t like etc. Help them develop such language and help them express their emotional will help boys understand and are aware of their emotional better and develop their emotional intelligence.