Thursday, July 21, 2011

Making the technical Sale by Rick Greenwald and James Milbery - Handling objections

Handling objections:

Three types of objections from most difficult to address to easy to address: philosophical objections; feature objections; and benefit objections

Three approaches for handling objections: rebutting and education. Rebutting an objection closes off communication with the prospect. Working down the grid to benefit objections so that an education approach is amenable. 1) address the objection immediately; 2) repositioning; You can do repositioning an objection to an education approach can handle. 3) park the objection and address later or follow up to establish rapport and credibility. Agree with customer in some sense, remain your curiosity and poke around to gain information. Do not be too defensive. Remember, by offering objections, your prospect is giving you valuable insights into his or her evaluation criteria. Use these objections to understand your prospects' real needs and wants.
Some objections are major while some are minor. Do not let the minor objections interfere your presentation flow.

When an objection comes up, firstly, try quickly to understand what type of objection you are dealing with so that you can ascertain the best technique to handle it; secondly, determine how to address it. It can help if you make a habit of repeating an object when you hear it.

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