If there is one thing I can do better, it is to better control myself when Brycen is in tantrum and to observe his behavior and prevent him from melting down.
Prevent Tantrum:
1. Pay attention to his cues and anticipate his desires. By doing this: Giving your young child some control over his life; Be aware of the signs that your young child is heading down towards a melt down, such as whining, crying, or complaining.These behaviors are the red flags you will need to learn to recognize.2. Spanking, swatting, and yelling are especially unhelpful; give young child enough attention, comment on good behaviors.
3. He can't have everything he wants, but he has to be able to count on you for comfort.
When in Tantrum:
1. Do not give attention to tantrum. He need to isolate the family when he's in tantrum. Give him a safe place to calm down;
2. Parent take control of the situation and do not give in;
One important fact to recognize is that we all have temper tantrums occasionally. The first thing to keep in mind is that your child’s temper tantrums are not directed personally at you. In both cases, your child’s tantrums are all about the perceived lack of control of their surroundings, so try not to personalize them. While this may be difficult to do, remember, your child lacks the daily self-control that we adults take for granted. Temper tantrums are the only way your child knows how to express their frustration with the world around them.
One of the best approaches to tantrums is to avoid them as much as possible. Pay attention to your baby's cues and try to anticipate her desires. You can reduce her frustration even more by giving her a safe place to explore where you won't constantly have to tell her no.
Screaming comes naturally to babies, and you can't force her to keep her temper. Spanking, swatting, and yelling are especially unhelpful. Your baby will only become more unhappy and distressed. If you're feeling angry, it's okay to put her in a safe place, like a play yard, and let her scream and cry until you have a chance to calm down. She can't have everything she wants, but she has to be able to count on you for comfort.
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