Sunday, December 26, 2010


自从小乖乖过了四岁半后, 妈咪明显感觉小乖乖懂事了很多。 一下是几个感动妈咪的地方:
1。 妈咪跟小乖乖说妈咪要去休息一下, 不要打扰, 小乖乖会说: 妈咪, 那你就去休息吧。 行动上也很配合, 不打扰妈咪睡觉。
2。 昨天Angelina 和Braydon到家里玩。 小乖乖把妈咪刚给他买的玩具拿出来向他的朋友炫耀。 Angelina:That's cool. It's a train track. I like that. Can I have it?
Brycen: Yes, I will give it to you.
Braydon: You've already have train track (pointing to Angelina), I have no train track at home.
Brycen: Then I will give it to Braydon.
Angelina: No, you said you gave it to me already.
Brycen: (左右为难, 看了这个, 又看那个, 然后说)I have an idea, how about you two take turns. Angelina you play one day and then Braydon you play one day.
两个人听小乖乖这么一说, 都很高兴,于是围着那个玩具在那里评头论足。 这一切全看在妈咪眼里, 因为妈咪正在做饭, 边做饭边看着这几个可爱的小朋友是如何解决纠纷的。
3。 圣诞节, 妈咪送了礼物给小乖乖, 当然说是圣诞老人送的。 其中有一个是piggy bank。 小乖乖昨晚不小心打碎了。 妈咪中午才知道。 就说: 怎么一下子就摔坏了, 妈咪很伤心。 小乖乖立刻神情严肃地问: 妈咪, 你为什么伤心?妈咪说: 因为这是圣诞老人给你地礼物, 你没有好好爱护, 没两天就摔坏了, 所以妈咪伤心。 妈咪讲得神情也很严肃, 故意把眼神转到其他地方去, 不看小乖乖。 但是眼角还在留意小乖乖得反应。 只见小乖乖也把眼神往下低, 也很伤心, 别过头去, 嘴巴瘪瘪得。 说: 我要抱抱。。。我不要你伤心。 妈咪赶快看过去, 小乖乖就边哭边往妈咪这边蹭,喃喃地说: 我要抱。。。。小乖乖, 妈咪怎么让你哭呢?你能体会妈咪地心情, 妈咪就很感动了。 妈咪赶快抱紧小乖乖, 说: 以后东西礼物要好好爱护, 不能随便摔,知道了吗? 小乖乖点点头, 钻到妈咪地怀抱里。 小乖乖, 妈咪最爱你。
4。 今天天气天晴了一些, 一家三口去公园里玩, 还有老二在肚子里呢, 四口。 回来地时候, 大家都很累了。 小乖乖要抱, 妈咪大着肚子, 当然没办法了。 所以就讲故事。 小乖乖嘴巴还很甜, 就说, 妈咪, 我最喜欢你了, 我只喜欢你一个人。 妈咪: 我最爱你了。 小乖乖:妈咪,我喜欢你地鞋子。 妈咪: 谢谢你, 小乖乖, 我也喜欢你地鞋子。 妈咪发现这回答太没创意, 就说: 妈咪喜欢你地裤子, 。。。。小乖乖:谢谢。 妈咪又说: 我喜欢你地夹克,。。。我喜欢你地脸, 我喜欢你地手。。。 小乖乖打断妈咪说: 我知道, 你喜欢我地全部body!
小乖乖, 我们真是心连心啊!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

妈咪, 我帮你揉肚子

今天, 妈咪跟不赖森说, 妈咪肚子疼, 要赶快上厕所, 然后就马上跑到厕所里做了。 不赖森马上跑过来, 说: 妈咪, 我帮你揉肚子, 揉哪里呢? 妈咪指了一下肚跻眼, 不赖森就帮妈咪摸起来了, 然后问: 妈咪, 你好一些没有呀?

小乖乖, 妈咪真是太感动了。 你真是妈咪懂事能疼人的小乖乖!妈咪这是没白疼你呀!你真是妈咪的骄傲。


不赖森这两天很喜欢帮妈咪做饭, 喜欢从米缸里舀出米, 淘米, 洗菜。 把菜捻碎, 还要自己加盐。 但是碰到锅热了, 就会说, 妈咪, 很烫, 你要小心一点哦。 然后自己就跑开, 等凉一些才靠近一些。
妈咪: 小乖乖, 你怎么这么喜欢做饭呀?
不赖森: 因为你不知道怎么做, 所以我要帮你呀。


不赖森: 妈咪, 你可不可以给我生个brother 呀?
妈咪: 你已经有个哥哥了, 就是凯涤哥哥呀!
不赖森: 不是, 我要你生个很小的brother,是可以我给他喂饭那么小的。
妈咪: 那你能不能帮他洗澡呀?
不赖森: 可以, 我会的!

Me too, Me three

Mommy to Brycen: I love you.
Brycen: Me too.
Mommy, you should say Me three, Me four,... Me ten!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Artist artwork

Another creative artwork from my son! It has two hats and one is upside down! (That was Brycen described to Mommy)

Copyright: B. Liu @ 4 years old.


Copyright: B. Liu @ 4 years old.
My son's self portrait (Week of 8/23/2010) in KCB class with Ms. Denise. Brycen later on commented it to Mommy that this drawing's two hands are not of equal length and he forgot to draw a mouth. Honey, don't be too critic on yourself. To Mommy, this is perfect and the most beautiful picture Mommy ever see! Honey, Mommy is soooo proud of you!


周末爸爸和小乖乖去买菜, 回来后, 小乖乖把鞋子脱了放在厨房里。 爸爸说: 不赖森, 你要把你得鞋子放到门口放好。
不赖森: 你帮我拿吧。
爸爸: 不行, 我得手忙。
不赖森: 你有两只手呀!
爸爸跟妈妈说的。 有一天, 不赖森跟爸爸说: 妈咪不是你的老婆, 是我的老婆!
老婆这个概念, 看来好像是从国产动画片”喜洋洋“ 那里学来的。 那天妈咪指着一个卡通狼说那是红太狼。 不赖森究竟妈咪说: 那不是红太狼, 那是灰太狼的老婆!
今天妈咪在厨房里做饭, 不赖森突然跟妈咪说: 妈咪, 我的肚子里有个小孩子。 妈咪笑翻了。 以前不赖森老是问妈咪是从哪里来的, 妈咪就跟他说是从我肚子里来得。 不赖森又问妈咪, 那你从哪里来得? 妈咪说: 我是从奶奶肚子里来的。 不赖森为了向最爱的妈咪看齐, 竟编出这些话出来。 妈咪笑着说: 只有女孩子肚子里才有可能小孩子, 你是男孩子, 肚子里不会有孩子的。 没想到不赖森就不耐烦的生气说: 不是, 我不是男孩子, 我是女孩子, 我肚子了有个小孩子!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


不赖森到潮州去, 2010年5月到7月, 到了潮州去之后, 一开始听不懂别人在讲什么, 就跟大家说: 你们不能讲英文, 在家里要讲普通话。
大姨就说: 我们不是在讲英文,我们是在讲潮州话。
不赖森: 那你们就不要讲潮州英文吧。

Books for Children

Hot hot hot, so many wonderful books to delight my little one!

Saturday, June 5, 2010



周日, 舅妈做饺子给谨华吃。
舅妈:谨华, 你会不会做饺子?
谨华: 我不懂怎么包饺子, 你自己包吧。。。

舅妈: 谨华, 你给我做儿子, 好不好?
谨华: 我不懂怎么做儿子, 你自己做吧。。。


大姨很少写电子邮件, 某日, 妈咪收到大姨的信, 这时候, 布莱森在潮州已经两个星期了:

Brycant的生活趣事Monday, May 24, 2010 6:59 PM
From: "yixuan_guocai" View contact details
To: "楚平"
4、十四日第一天到家,我十点开始陪他。到下午五点我要回家,跟他说“我要回家,你要跟我去吗?”,没想到他说要。然后就拿了玩具车和遥控器,就跟他爸和爷爷、奶奶再见。到家后,吃晚餐时,跟我说“我们饭弄少,他(指着楚标哥)弄多,这样我们就吃得快,他慢,我们就赢。”等一会还说“I win , you lost people.”


2010年5月31号, 布莱森跟爸爸和奶奶回去中国。到了之后, 妈咪问布莱森飞机怎么样? 布莱森说不喜欢飞机, 问了爸爸原来是因为飞机在北京下降的时候很摇, 布莱森晕了, 还呕吐了。 怪不得不喜欢了。妈咪问布莱森看到了什么新鲜事, 布莱森说: 我看到peacock了。妈咪很困惑, 怎么江西的乡下会有孔雀呢?变问, 你看到多少只? 布莱森说: 有5只。 5只很大。 妈咪: 那peacock在干什么呢? 布莱森: 奶奶跟在后边跑, 抓了它, 然后煮了给我吃! 妈咪: 那你在干嘛呀? 布莱森: 我跟在奶奶后边跑, 说过来过来,给我吃!。 妈咪终于悟出来了, 原来peacock是江西家里养的鸡!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Excellent books for preschoolers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free Museum Days

Valuable information from

FREE Museum Days
Do you know that there are over a dozen museums in the bay area that are always FREE? Do you know that many great museums around the bay area offer FREE admission days? Read on and save yourself some money.

Always FREE

•Cantor Arts Center
(Sanford Campus, near the main quad. 650-723-4177)

•Cable Car Museum
(San Francisco, 415-474-1887)

•Chinese Culture Center Gallery
(750 Kearny St, 3rd Floor San Francisco, 415-986-1822)

•Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History
(1005 Railroad Ave, Santa Clara; Tues & Sat only)

•Intel Museum
(Intel headquarter, Santa Clara; Great for school age kids)

•Monarch Grove Sanctuary
(Ridge Rd, near the lighthouse, Pacific Grove; Oct through Feb only)

•Maritime Museum of Monterey
(Across from Fisherman's Wharf in downtown Monterey; 831-372-2608)

•Museum of American Heritage
(351 Homer Ave, Palo Alto, 650-321-1004, Science, Innovation and Handicraft; Great for 10-yrs up)

•Museum of Children's Art (Gallery Only)
(538 Ninth Street, Suite 210, Oakland, 510-465-8770)

•NASA Exploration Center
(Moffet Field; Great for school age kids)

•Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo
(1451 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-329-2111, $3 donation suggested; Great for young children.)

•Randall Museum
(199 Museum Way, San Francisco, 415-554-9600)

•Santa Cruz Surfing Museum
(701 W. Cliff Dr. Santa Cruz; 831-420-6289)

•Saratoga History Museum
(20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road. Saratoga; 408.867.4311)

•The Lace Museum
(Sunnyvale, 408-730-4695 )

•Triton Museum of Art
(1505 Warburton Ave., Santa Clara)

FREE First Weekend

•Museums on Us by Bank of America Any Card from Bank of America gives you free general admission to over 70 museums nationwide. List of museums in the bay area:
◦Museum of the African Diaspora
◦De Young Museum
◦San Jose Museum of Art
◦The Tech Museum of Innovation
FREE First Thursday

•Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive
(Berkeley. Regular admission: $5-$8; UCB affiliate & Children under 12 free)

FREE First Firday

•San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles
( Regular admission: $6.5-$8; Children under 12 free)
FREE First Sunday

•Asian Art Museum
(San Francisco. Regular admission: $7 - $12; Children under 12 free)

•Coyote Point Museum
(San Mateo. Regular admission $3-$7. Parking $5; Great for young children)
FREE Second Sunday

•The Tech Museum of Innovation (Not include IMAX)
(San Jose. Sponsored by the ScholarShare College Savings Plan, California's Offical 529 plan and Fidelity Investments)

•Oakland Museum of California
(Oakland. Regular admission:$5 - $8. Currently under renovation, will re-open in May 2010)
FREE First Tuesday

•Cartoon Art Museum
(San Francisco. Regular admission:$2 - $6)

•De Young Museum
(Golden gate Park. Regular admission: $6 - $10. 12 and under: FREE)

(San Francisco. Regular admission: $7 - $12.5; kids 12 and under: FREE)

•Conservatory of Flowers
(Golden gate park. Regular admission: $1.5 - $5)

•Legion of Honor
(San Francisco. Regular admission: $6-$10; kids 12 and under FREE)

•Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
(San Francisco. Regular admission: $3-$7. Limited Kids Program. Muppets Music Moments in Dec for ages 4 and up)
FREE First Wednesday

•Bay Area Discovery Museum
(Sausalito. Regular admission $8 - $10)

(San Francisco. Regular admission $9-$14. Great place to learn science.)

•San Francisco Zoo -- free for SF residents

FREE Third Wednesdays

•California Academy of Sciences
(Golden Gate Park. Regular admission $14.95 - $24.95, 6 and under FREE)
Mother's Day - May 9, 2010

•KORET Museum Days: FREE admission for 17 Bay Area Museums, including

◦Asian Art Museum, SF
◦Bay Area Discovery Museum, Sausalito
◦Chabot Space & Science Center, Oakland
◦Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
◦Contemporay Jewish Museum, SF
◦De Young Museum, SF
◦Exploratorium, SF
◦Judah L. Magnes Museum, Berkeley
◦Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley
◦Legion of Honor, SF
◦Museum of the African Diaspora, SF
◦Oakland Museum of California
◦San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
◦San Francisco Zoo
◦San Jose Museum of Art
◦IMAX movie at The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose
◦Zeum, SF

Other Discounts

•The Tech Museum of Innovation

Public Library Pass Program: offers significantly reduced prices for museum galleries admission. This does not include IMAX Theater admission. Go to the San Jose Public Library or Santa Clara County Library for more information and to pick up passes. Passes are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Open Access Policy: If you cannot afford the full admission fee, please see the staff at the Ticketing counter in the center of our lobby at the start of your visit.

•MY Museum (Monterey County Youth Museum)
$2 (instead of $7) on first Tuesday of the month. For kids 8 and under.

•Hall of Health
Free on selected Saturdays (Feb 21, Mar 14, May 9, June 13, 2009)

Some of these places offer free or discounted kids activities and programs, check out our "Free Ongoing Kids Programs" article.

If you find other free museum days that we did not list here, please let us know.

Comments Add New Search RSS

Annette Stransky 2009-05-19 08:16:18

There are two additional Museums in the Bay Area:
The Sunnyvale Lace
552 S. Murphy
Sunnyvale, CA
Open Tues-Sat from 11PM-5PM

History Museum
20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road
Saratoga, CA

Saturday, February 27, 2010










2009年独立日,一家子去西雅图。第一日参观附近的Snoqualmie Falls。到了瀑布边上,所有的人欣赏着高高的瀑布一泻千丈在下面的瀑布谭里溅起壮观的水雾,布莱森突然一语惊人:“妈咪,这个水太烫了!”观察之细腻想象之丰富,唯有我家的聪明宝贝!



蚊子bye bye

蚊子bye bye布莱森第一天去幼儿圆,等妈咪去接回来的时候,非常兴奋。妈咪教导跟老师还有小朋友说bye bye. 布莱森跟每位老师都告别,刚出幼儿圆就看到一只蚊子,布莱森也毫不犹豫地说:“蚊子bye bye,我要回家了!“






妈咪从图书馆借了一本书 patty cake patty cake baker's man。布莱森非常的喜欢。这本书退还给图书馆后,布莱森还老是念念不忘,每次到了读故事的时候,就吵着要那本书。妈咪说那本书已经还给图书馆了,下次再去借。小乖乖还是不愿意,要就是要。妈咪说:“好吧,妈咪读那本书读了很多遍了,没有书妈咪还是能读那本书,因为所有的内容妈咪都记在脑瓜里了。”妈咪边说边指着自己的脑瓜。布莱森这时马上抱着妈咪的头,说:“妈咪,把书拿出来了。”妈咪笑得快掉牙,布莱森还继续说:“书本在头发里,我来找!”













Dress for success

How To Look Your Professional Best -- Females
Our physical appearance, our words, and our actions express to others the person we are within. The strongest personality indicator is clothing because our clothing reveals how we think we look. Clothing can be easily changed to stress our strong points and camouflage our weak points.

Clothing permits us to state who we are and helps us reach our goals. When our clothing is changed, our mannerisms also change and a new set of reactions, both internal and external, affect our behavior. If we feel unattractive, we tend to withdraw and thus evoke a negative reaction from other people. If our clothing is attractive, however, we gain confidence in our appearance and demonstrate confidence in our behavior.

It is more difficult for a woman to project a clear clothing message than it is for a man. For the woman who is bridging several worlds, functioning in a professional role, as well as being a wife and mother, there is a problem of style confusion. Women must choose clothing that will carry them through several roles, sometimes in a very short time span.

Approximately 2/3 of all working-age women work in a paid job outside the home. In fact, women comprise over 40 percent of the country's total work force. A large percentage of these women are not just working; they are planning a career, and the correct clothing should be an important part of the plan.

A look that promotes a feeling of polished and professional competency ranks highest among those who do the hiring. A professional look includes clothes, hair, makeup, and accessories that work together to create a professional image. There are certain kinds of clothes appropriate for working women. Fashion taste and good judgment are essential for an adequate and professional wardrobe. Analyze and describe the appropriate career dress for your chosen career, and then plan your wardrobe around this description.


Plan Your Career Wardrobe
It is common to hear someone say, "I haven't anything to wear." If this describes you, then you need to survey your wardrobe and make a plan. It is possible to spend a great deal of money on clothes and not really be well dressed. If you plan ahead, this need not happen to you.

Plan an adequate wardrobe. Have enough suitable work clothes to carry out your job and feel good about the way you look.

Find out what you already have that is useful and that looks good on you. Get rid of the garments you have negative feelings about. Clean and straighten your closet in the process.

When you find the items that are still usable and comfortable, plan what you need to add to your career wardrobe. It is usually not possible to spend a large amount of money on clothes all at once; so plan to update your wardrobe by adding to it gradually.

A plan for an adequate and appropriate wardrobe is never completely finished. It changes not only as you change but also as your clothing goals and ideas change.


A Basic Career Wardrobe
Carefully select and coordinate a few basic garments. Choose solid colors that you can mix and match with solid or multi-colored accessories.

Two three-piece suits (jacket, skirt, pants). For summer, a light colored one; a darker one for winter.
One solid-color blazer.
One sweater (cardigan).
Two basic skirts (straight, flared, or dirndl) to compliment figure.
One classic pair of pants.
Two solid-color blouses (one with a tie or bow).
One pinstripe blouse.
Two shirts.
One shirtdress (to wear with the blazer).
One classic dress (with several accessories to change the look).
One all-weather coat.
Shoes and accessories (scarves, jewelry, belts, etc.).
Studies have shown that certain clothes lend an air of authority to the person wearing them. If you would like to enhance your authority on the job, consider these suggestions:

Wear quality.
Wear a jacket to work -- the higher the quality, the more authority.
Wear subtle, sophisticated colors. If bright colors are becoming to you, wear them occasionally.
Wear small, sophisticated prints or geometrics rather than large shapes or designs.
Carry a fine leather handbag -- not trendy but classic.
Always add finishing touches to your outfit -- a belt, a small pair of earrings, a gold chain.
Wear good quality jewelry if your can afford it; if you can't, wear a fine costume copy.
Always keep the same high standard to your look. Be consistent.
Look and act in a professional way.


Lines for You
Your physical build is the first clue to help you decide what styles or lines look best on you. Look in a full-length mirror and "size yourself" to see if you are tall and thin, tall and heavy, short and slim, short and heavy, or average.

The lines in your clothes can play an important part in your appearance, but lines can be deceiving. Look at the five lines shown here. Which seems longest? Shortest?

The lines are really all the same length, but "3" appears to be longest while "5" seems to be shortest. The tricks played on our eyes by the lines are called optical illusions.

A single vertical line makes you look taller and thinner and is good for almost everyone except the tall, thin woman.

A horizontal line going across the garment makes you seem wider at that point. Many horizontal lines add more width to the figure.


Wardrobe Planner
Already Own
Need To Buy or Make

Three-piece suit
summerThree-piece suit
Cardigan sweater
Straight skirt
Flared skirt
Classic Pants
Blouse with bow
Blouse, solid color
Pinstripe blouse
Two shirts
Classic dress
All-weather coat


Dressing Don'ts
Don't wear plunging necklines.
Don't wear clinging skirts.
Don't wear loud, shocking colors.
Don't wear short skirts.
Don't wear tight sweaters or skirts.
Don't wear see-through fabrics.
Don't wear pants without a jacket.
Don't wear faddish clothes.
Don't wear sundresses.
Don't wear large jangly jewelry.
Don't wear childish clothes.
Don't wear scuffed shoes.
Don't wear runs in hose.
Don't wear wrinkled or soiled clothes.
Don't wear clothes in need of repair.
Don't wear skirts with slits higher than the knees.


Hints for Each Body Build
Tall and Thin
Wear horizontal lines in two-piece suits/dresses.
Avoid vertical stripes.
Wear contrasting jackets with slacks/skirts.
Sleeveless styles are unflattering.
Wear flared or gathered skirts.
Avoid long, tight sleeves and other tight-fitting garments.
Wear wide belts, full sleeves, and cuffs.
Take advantage of fabrics with texture.


Short and Slim
Wear outfits of one color/pattern.
Avoid large plaids or designs.
Wear single-breasted coat or suit styles.
Wear slim or slightly flared skirts.
Avoid too much fullness, large pockets, large accessories.
Wear simple shoes.
Keep accessories simple and delicate.


Tall and Heavy
Wear dark or subdued colors.
Hems should be medium length.
Wear outfits of all one color/pattern.
Avoid bulky sweaters, coats, and suits.
Avoid garments that are too tight, too full, or too short.
Avoid large details -- bows, huge sleeves, big collars, etc.


Short and Heavy
Wear suits or coats with minimum shoulder padding.
Avoid bulky textures and big patterns.
Avoid sleeveless styles if arms are heavy.
Wear outfits of one color or pattern.
Avoid very light- or very bright-colored outfits.
Wear gored or slim (not tight) skirts.
Avoid wide belts and full sleeves.


Career in Colors
Colors can enhance your appearance. The colors you should choose to wear are determined by your feelings about a color, by your personality, and by your own personal coloring.

Look at your coloring, which is created by complexion, hair, and eyes. You can hold different colors up to your face to see the effect. Although all colors will not look equally good on you, you can still wear them away from your face or as an accessory. Find your best colors and stick to them.

What color looks best on you?

What is your second most becoming color?

Be wise and plan your wardrobe around one or two basic colors that are becoming to you. Using only one or two basic colors makes mixing and matching clothes and accessories easier. This way you can increase the number of outfits you wear without actually increasing the number of garments you own.

Your personality is a factor to consider in your color decisions. Bright, stimulating colors seem appropriate if you are vivacious. If you are more reserved, choose soft, subdued colors, but accent them with livelier ones. The colors you wear should do something for you emotionally as well as physically. Here are some things to consider about color:

Light colors make you appear larger.
Bright colors make you appear larger.
Dark colors make you appear smaller.
Dull colors make you appear smaller.
Bright colors in rough textures make skin blemishes more obvious.
Bright colors in large amounts become tiresome quickly.


The Finishing Touches
Hair, makeup, and accessories are important finishing touches you should not neglect. Remember: Understatement is always better than overdoing.

Hair. Keep hair simple, clean, and well-cut. Your hair style should flatter your facial structure and be professional looking. Avoid childish hair styles; they undermine your authority. Above all, you want an easy-to-keep hair style that does not require much time.

Makeup. Research among top executives shows that a medium amount of makeup, or natural look, is most desirable in professional women. The "painted lady," or too much makeup, looks harsh and gaudy. No makeup at all makes you look tired or lazy with an "I-don't-care" attitude.

Strike a balance with your makeup. Use it to maximize your good features and minimize your bad features. Perfume should be kept to a minimum.

Accessories. Accessories can make or break an outfit. Use accessories to set the tone of your look by pulling it together and setting it off with just a touch of flare.

One of the tricks of the trade is the Rule of 14. When you think you are ready to walk out the door, do some quick addition. Give yourself one point for each of the following:

Each visible item of clothing.
Each accent color.
Each pattern or textured fabric.
Each decorative trim.
Each piece of jewelry.
Colored nail polish.
Colored toenail polish (if toes show).
Colored or textured hose.
Handbag (3 points if it is multicolored, has contrasting trim, or has decorative hardware.)
Exposed handkerchief.
Contrasting belt (2 points if it is especially ornate).
Decorative, eye-catching buttons.
Eyeglasses (2 points if ornate or in a fashion color).

If your total is over 14 points, you are probably overdressed. Remove or change something to bring down your total. The result will be a more pleasing, unified appearance.


Evaluate for Quality
Learn to judge quality in the clothes you buy to get the most for your money. Being able to recognize quality is a great asset. Become a wise shopper and you can understand why seemingly similar garments may vary greatly in price.

The quality you look for will depend on the use of a garment. If you occasionally decide to indulge in a fad item, do not buy the best quality. Coats, suits, and other basic items you will wear often and for a long time should be the best quality you can afford. Remember, high prices in clothes sometimes mean high quality, but not always. Use the checklist below to evaluate your clothing purchases for quality before you buy.


Evaluate Your Clothing Purchases
Is the fiber content of the fabric labeled?
Is the fabric free of flaws?
Will the fabric be durable?
Is the fabric practical?
Are seams smooth and sturdy?
Is sleeve cap free from pucker?
Are fasteners secure and do they work?
Do plaids and stripes match?
Is hem even, secure, and invisible on outside of garment?
Are points of strain reinforced?
Do trims harmonize with the style, design, and color of the garment?
Are linings and interfacings used where necessary?
Can you launder the garment at home?
Will it require ironing?
Is the price within your budget?
Do you really need it?
Does the garment fit properly?
Does the garment look good on you?
Will the garment coordinate with at least two garments already in your wardrobe?


Shopping Tips
Shop early for the best selection and to find the size, color, and style you want.
Find two to three clothing manufacturers that have your type of clothing and look for these brands.
Find two or three shops/stores that work for you and stay with them.
When shopping in a department store, look for special "career" shops and see what the models and mannequins are wearing.
Don't be an impulsive shopper or an indecisive one.
Be a cautious shopper. Buy for a need, not a want.
Before you buy, be satisfied with the price, fit, style, and color.


Clothes Sense by Barbara Weiland and Leslie Wood.

Dress With Style by JoAnne Wallace.

Dressing for the Job by Clemson University Extension Service, Clemson, SC.

Looking, Working, Living Terrific 24 Hours a Day by Emily Cho.

Glamour's Success Book by Barbara Coffey and Editors of Glamour.

Your New Image Through Color and Line by Gerrie Pinckney and Marge Swenson.
