Wednesday, March 23, 2011
今天爹地回中国去接外公外婆到美国来。 爹地要走16天呢, 留下32周怀孕的妈咪和即将5周岁的小乖乖。 平时爹地在的时候, 也不见小乖乖怎么想跟爹地玩, 只是缠着妈咪。 爹地一走,家里显得空空荡荡的。 小乖乖回到家里就找爹地。 到了晚上9 点多准备睡觉的时候, 小乖乖突然坐在床上,伤心地说, “妈咪, 我想爹地。 我很想他, 我想跟他讲话。 我要跟爹地天天在一起。” 真是奇迹啊, 平时也从来没说过这么想爹地地话, 爹地一走就想他。 小乖乖边说着, 眼泪还真狠狠地往下掉。。。。想着早上妈咪送爹地去bart的时候, 想着前面16天要自己挺着大肚子顶这个天, 照顾好小乖乖, 感觉身上负担很重啊。妈咪的眼泪也是无法控制的掉下来, 但想想爹地昨晚在家里辛勤地打扫厨房灶台, 地板, 早上起来就洗衣服, 也算是很理解妈咪地辛苦了。 分别地时候, 爹地还给妈咪一个拥抱, 虽是简单地一句话:“自己小心一点, 多保重” 妈咪地眼泪就跟无法控制了。 相聚地时候总是磕磕碰碰, 吵吵闹闹, 离别地时候才知道思念地滋味和真心地牵挂。
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
student of the month - November 2010
Brycen won student of the month- 100% perfect at Childtime. Here is Ms. Denise's commentary at assembly.
When Brycen first comes to class, he is a little quiet but it doesn't take him long to jump right in. One of Brycen's favoraite things to do in the KCB class is to be a classroom helper. Brycen loves to help whether its setting the table for lunch or being the line leader he's ready. Brycen also likes to try all the activities that are out on the table. He really doesn't have a favorite, he loves it al. One of Brycen's favorite areas to go is the writing area. He loves to do puzzles and make special pictures for his friends. Even though sometimes he can be kind of quiet, Brycen has a smile that lights up the whole KCB room. It's a pleasure having Brycen in the class. Way to go Brycen!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
2011年1月下旬得时候, 不赖森主动要求要自己睡一个房间, 不要嗲地妈咪陪。 睡得很好。可是过了一个多月后, 小乖乖就要妈咪爹地陪他睡一会儿, 要么是上床前, 要么是起床前, 然后就开始要求到妈咪的房间里睡了。 妈咪再不同得时间问了他得原因, 下边是小乖乖曾经说出来的原因:
1。 害怕西游记里边的故事
2。 家里要一人一个房间, 现在只有三个房间, 怕爷爷奶奶过来了跟妈咪一起睡
3。 害怕黑暗
4。 要先睡小床, 等弟弟出来了他就把小床给弟弟, 自己去睡大床。
5。 害怕地震
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